How to Rent an LTE Sim in Seoul Korea

So I’ve decided to make a step by step blog of my last trip in Seoul. Recently, I have tried to rent an LTE sim at Incheon Airport, and boy, did it help me a lot!

So first things first! To start off, let me tell you how awesome the internet connection is in Seoul! (Once you’ve connected to the Incheon Airport free wifi, you would know). So anyway, since me and my family were planning to go out of town during our last trip to Seoul (it was our fourth time,btw) I’ve decided to rent a pocket wifi just so we would not get lost or anything. But after thoroughly searching through the Internet, I’ve realized that yes, it is cheaper, but the fact that I have to deposit money for the rental and then refund it afterwards was just a bit of a hassle for me. So then I’ve ended up buying a sim card instead.

I’ve found this website ( and it was where I’ve purchased my sim. It was really easy. I just paid for the sim card thru my credit card, and then afterwards, Korealtrip sent me my confirmation email with the attached voucher that I will use to redeem my sim.

I was instructed to go to to either of the following KT Roaming Center inside Incheon Airport:

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I’ve chosen to go gate 6 since our private transport was waiting at gate 8 (will post about that later). I just got my queuing number, then when it was my turn, I just showed my voucher and then they already gave me the sim. Since I was using an iphone, I’ve brought my own sim pin just in case there isn’t one in there, but turned out that it was readily available. Of course, I made sure that the sim was working first before I left the counter, and then after that, voila! All done! 
Take note though that your phone should be unlocked; meaning, it should not be locked to any of the home networks in your country.

Renting an LTE Sim was really convenient for me! Plus! I get to keep the sim card as a souvenir! My sim was good for 5 days. I arrived on the evening of Nov 28 and the sim expired on the night of Dec 3. Take note though that even if you did not open and use the sim on the day when you redeemed it, the day recorded of your pick-up will still be the starting date of your unlimited data sim. You caanot make any calls since it’s a data sim, but since almost all communications are now done online, it was still convenient for me. Plus, my personal hotspot was on all the time so it’s basically just the same as having a pocket wifi at hand! 

Hope this helped you guys a lot! Feel free to ask me if you have questions!


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