My letter to myself last Valentines Day (2015)

People always ask me why I don’t date, why I’ve never had a boyfriend,and why am I still single. Honestly, even I cannot answer these questions. All I know is that I am genuinely happy with my life and with the people that I have in it; and even though there are times when I wonder if I’d ever find that romantic love, still, I’ve never felt that the lack of it made me any less of a person. I won’t say that I am not looking for it; because the truth is that I am praying for it. People who are close to me always think that I drive love away; but actually, it’s the other way around.

Right now, I am keeping the faith because I know that there is someone out there for me; and this alone makes me hang on and wait until I become the person that God wants me to be for the person whom He wants me to be with. 

Happy Valentine’s Day Self! =)

5 Things That I’ve realized at 24

We always read these articles that tell us the things which we must be doing or those of which we should have already done by the time we reach a certain age. I, for one, never believe in doing any of those things. You see, nobody has the right to tell us how to live our life. Besides, stating all these things, more often than not, makes us feel that our life may not be exciting enough; and then that would just be totally wrong. 

So I say:

Live your life the way that you want to and not how other people want you to….

Anyway, so instead of doing that, I’ve come up with a different list. For twenty-four (24) years now, I know that I may have not learned much yet; but I do know that I’ve been able to have a lot of experiences. These experiences taught me a lot of things; and it made me learn a lot and become strong. So here are the things that I’ve learned at 24:

1. The things that seems to be important to you at 12 are not important anymore. (they are not even important AT ALL)

Popularity. Being Cool. Impressing other people. These are the things that appear to be so important to most of us when we are young. At 12 years old, I bet that most of us believe that being popular means being cool; and being cool is totally important. I remember my friends back then were way too excited when it comes to boys.Asking for numbers and calling the boys on the phone (yep, cellphones are not that much of a thing at the time haha) were the things that girls my age were doing back then. But not for me; I just felt like it’s not something that I need to be doing at the time. I mean, I also have crushes before, but it’s only up to that and nothing more. So anyway, fast forward to 12 years later, I’ve realized that these things don’t matter anymore. Being 24 actually gives you a certain kind of serenity and contentment. Popularity? Meh. Being Cool? Double Meh. Impressing other people? Triple Meh. Hahaha

2. Just because others are doing it, doesn’t mean that you have to be doing it.

This goes out to those kids who feel a lot pressured by their peers. Believe me, you can survive high school without having a boyfriend. And you can survive college without doing booze and drugs. You have to realize that being young is the best stage of your life. During these times, you don’t have any responsibility, you have all the energy, and you can make mistakes without having to suffer all the scrutinies. Get experiences. Experience everything. But always limit them to a certain extent.

3. Experience really is the best teacher

Have you ever had that experience which is so bad that you have promised yourself you would never do it again? Think of it like when you have the flu, and then you get to appreciate and miss the feeling when you don’t have it? And then you promise yourself that you’d drink more fluids next time. There would be a lot of instances like that when you are young. But the best part of it? There are still a lot of chances for you to make things right. You have your entire life for it; and you should be grateful for that. Experiences make us better, and it helps us reach our best potential. As we grow old, we would realize that not all things can be learned from books. The best way to learn in life is by actually living and experiencing it.

4. Having a few true friends is better than having many fake ones

When we are young, I’m sure we all wanted to become part of certain cliques. Being part of something actually makes us feel that we belong. Having a lot of friends may be fun; but making sure that they are all true ones is hard. Having lots of friends may mean that a lot of people like you; but underneath it all, it may also be just a form of self-affirmation. That feeling of wanting to be liked, we all experience that in all stages of our lives, and not only while we are young. But as we grow older, we would realize that it’s not about how many people would cheer you on; but about how many people would catch you when you stumble and fall. Personally, I can tell you that I can count my true friends using my fingers and toes. I don’t easily let people in, But I am friendly. 

5. Mom and Dad are always right

I am pretty sure that while we were young, we have this tendency to get annoyed at our parents; we think that the only word that they know is “No”. 

Mom can I join this camping trip? No.

Mom can I buy this? No.

Mom can I sleepover at (friend’s name) house? No.

And the list goes on haha!

Being 24, I must say that I am already kind of independent already. At this stage, I already drive my own car and I get to go home late at night on my own without having my own driver anymore. And that is after 22 long years of being picked up and dropped off from our home to my school. ( yup, until I was already in Law school)

But that doesn’t mean that my mom or my dad would not check up on me anymore. I still have my curfew, and I abide by it. Let’s face it, I am still living with my parents; and it’s their house, so it’s their rules. 

Whenever I think about it, I don’t feel so constricted anymore. Maybe when I was younger, I feel that I was being deprived; but now that I am older, I’ve realized that I did not really miss out on a lot of things. I am even grateful that my mom and dad protected me, without actually making me miss out on what I was supposed to experience when I was younger. Besides, I haven’t been really fond of dark, smelly, and smoky places. Haha! 

So for you young ones, you only have one thing to do: Listen to your parents. 

They definitely know what’s best for you.
I know I still have a lot of realizations to do, but for now, this is what I know, and I hope it would help you too! 




“If there’s one word that could describe your life right now, what word would that be?”

This question has always been asked to us, but always remains to be a hard one to answer.

Right now, I’ve been contemplating about how my life is as of the moment. I know that there are many words that could describe how my life is now, but if there is one word which I think would be the best, I think that that would be the word, “UNCERTAIN”.

And I’m sure that this goes on to many others too. No one in this world can say that their life is CERTAIN. 

I’ve always said, and I have always believed that the best way to enjoy life, is to ENJOY THE UNCERTAINTY that comes with it.

This is easy to say, but is VERY DIFFICULT TO DO.

There will always be this part in us that would want to know what the future holds. Maybe because we want to be prepared, or maybe because we just can’t bear the thought of not knowing what’s going to happen to us the next day. In this fast-paced world that we have now, we are always being advised that we should take a breather, and appreciate the things that are going on in the present. The days pass by so fast that we would just be surprised that another year is over. 

I’ve always been trying to keep my focus on what’s happening in the present, but I will still always keep on thinking about what I should do the next day.  Sure, I’d usually want to “seize the day”, but that doesn’t mean that my mind would stop and not go about what’s going to happen next.

This made me think that:


That’s why it’s hard to stay relaxed for a day; for we know that the next day may not be RELAXING at all.

Being in law school made me think that way. After a long week of studying, I would always say that I should take a day to relax and not think about my studies for a while. I would feel calm, sure, but then just as I was about to come close to the end of that day, my heart would start pounding again as I think about what’s going to happen to me the following week.

I would always tell my friends whenever they ask me if law school is difficult that “It’s not difficult, it’s just tiring sometime”.  I don’t want to sound so arrogant, but I really believe that. It would really entail a lot of work, LOTS of it i tell you!!!hahaha!! But I don’t want to vocalize any negative words, so I don’t want to say the word “DIFFICULT”, but rather, i’d say that “It would take a lot of your time and effort”. Hahahaha!! 

Being a graduate of B.S. Psychology, I have come to realize just how powerful our mind really is! 
So if we produce negative words, our mind would absorb that, and it will stick to it FOREVER! (True Story)

There have been a lot of trying times, but I would always try my best to look at these things in the MOST POSITIVE WAY THAT I COULD.  Of course it’s not easy; i would not call it denial too. It is more of a matter of MINDSET. 

Right now, a lot of things come into my mind. I would like to write them all, but then it would just be too much.  So I guess what I would just like to say is  in this life, there are and will always be challenges ahead. It would make us want to quit, it would even make us cry, and it would make us want to give up. But at the end of the day, what would matter is how we would take all of them, and how we will keep everything in stride. With perseverance, faith, and prayers, no uncertainties can ever pull us down. 

I have said that:


But then I’ve realized that it should more be of this way:


See?it’s just a matter of turning things around! Hahaha!!


Why I don’t want to fall in Love

You see, for the past twenty four (24) years of my life, I have seen a lot of “INSTANCES OF LOVE”. 

Instance #1: People who were once so madly in love who later on become bitter exes in the end. 

Instance #2: People who have been together for a long time but ended up being with other people in the end. 

Instance #3: People getting so vulnerable because of love

Instance #4: People getting so STUPID because of love

Instance #5: People forgetting their friends because of love.

Instance #6: People crying for days because of love.

Instance #7: People getting fat because of love (true story)

Instance #8: People becoming UNREASONABLE because of love

Instance #9: People disregarding their family because of love

Instance #10: People committing suicide because of love (I know right?haha!but true story indeed!)

These are some of the things that I have discovered about being in LOVE.

I may seem negative for writing all of these things, but these things really do happen; they did happen! 

And how did I know?

Because these people came to me, asking for advice. Can you imagine?These people asked for an advice from someone who hasn’t even been in love in the first place!I guess instance #4 is correct.Haha!Kidding!

So anyway, being someone who has not experienced all the drama, I am not really sure if these people are giving me warnings or if they were terrorizing me or something. Hearing all these things really scares me! 

I have always been this person who is good in giving advices. I can make a person feel better by giving words of encouragement. But somehow, I cannot help but think that someday, these things can also happen to me; and that I will also be needing advices. This is my biggest fear! 

Okay, maybe at this point you may think that I am crazy or something; or that I am an anti-LOVE person. Actually, I really am not; I am scared, that’s true, but I also do believe that being in LOVE is the greatest thing in this world. Nothing can compare to that feeling of giving away a part of yourself to someone you really value the most. I also still think that this is something that I just cannot wait to experience in the near future.

But here’s the deal:

I am not against LOVE (like what I have said), but I am against LOVE AT THE WRONG TIME. 

One thing that I have noticed from all those people whom I have helped (naks!haha!), is that they always get hurt in the end because the love that they had was not mature enough; or that they fell in love too easily. Sure, it feels nice to be impulsive once in a while; but when it comes to love, i think IMPULSIVENESS DOES NOT REALLY WORK. They say that when love hits you, you would just know it. So the tendency is for people to act on in immediately, feel really good, and then eventually end up being hurt. And this brings me to formulate this saying in my mind:

“Nothing can explain how love happens; but there are lot of explanations about how it fades.”

Sounds unfair right? How love is unexplainable, but falling out of love has many reasons. Maybe that’s just it; being in love is complicated. Even the best-selling authors cannot give a precise and exact definition about what love is. And I guess it is also because not all people experience the same kind of love. Maybe what I consider as love may not be considered as love by other people, and it works both ways. 

See how complicated it is?

So I guess those people who were able to find their true love on their first try really are the lucky ones. They don’t have to suffer the agony of the process of breaking up, or the feeling of being a failure, and the feeling of being worthless in the end. I may sound ambitious, but this is the kind of love which I am dreaming to have. Maybe what I said before about being scared can be best explained by this:

I do not know yet how I will love someone or in what level will I fall. This scares me because I do not know if I will also end up hurting like the others; or if I will also get stupid, or unreasonable, or FAT! haha! 

These are the questions in my mind; these may also be the reasons that’s been holding me back. 

But I guess I am really just being careful; I do not want to rush into things because I know that if I am ready, it will happen. And I GUESS by that time, I will also be ready to be hurt, be stupid, and be unreasonable; but I am SURE that when that happens, I will be stronger. 

Preparing my heart for the battle is what I am doing right now. And those instances of love? Well, they are just my guide. Because when the time comes, I know I will also be able to write my own “LOVE INSTANCES”; and they will be the best!



Someday, BELIEVE that there would be someone out there who would like you and your ENTIRETY. You would not need to guess, assume, and wonder if he’s the ONE; because he would like you so much that he would be willing to take the RISK to let you know just that. God may have led you to believe that certain people who came into your life were the one, but the truth is He was only letting you feel and realize that just because you like someone and that someone likes you back doesn’t mean that he would be the one that God has planned for you to be with. Have you been hurt? Have you felt pain? That’s only because God is telling you that the one he has prepared for you will NEVER EVER BREAK YOUR HEART. That person would understand how precious your heart is, and that he would be very lucky once you open it for him. He would appreciate your uniqueness, your individuality, and the fact that you are a bit crazy. He would appreciate the fact that you may not be the most beautiful girl in the world, but for him you are more than enough. He would be proud to have you in his life because he knows that you are one-of-a-kind. You would never be jealous, because he would never give you any reason to. You would never feel insecure, because he would assure you everyday just how amazing you are. He would love each and every person in your life, because he knows how much it would mean to you. Your love would NEVER be PERFECT, you would have shortcomings, and conflicts; but at the end of the day, you would both fight to make it work because you know that your LOVE is ONE-IN-A-MILLION.  So be patient, and just believe that your story would be so EPIC that it would be WORTH SHARING WITH THE WORLD AND would be WORTH WAITING FOR.

— I know that this kind of Love may be too Idealistic and Unreal; it may not even exist. But I do believe that someday it would happen for me. God is making me wait because he wants to be sure that I am whole and complete before I open my heart to someone. He knows that I cannot handle heartaches so He is also preparing my someone to be the best that he can possibly be so that he would never ever break my heart.  He is making me realize that I don’t need someone to complete me because the one He would give me is a better whole which would complement another better whole.